What is this course?

What have others experienced?


Very powerful. I have made a few changes in my heart so I feel more in tune but what gives me joy, and there's been a shift in the calmness I feel inside. Thank you for this course.


I Loved this Course So Much. I've done a lot of healing work over the years but have always felt like I hold onto childhood father issues of a domineering critical father & acting that out in my relationships with men though I'm in a happy marriage now x10 years where I don't act out those issues, Finally!! In going through your Beautiful Course I saw quite clearly that any hardness around my heart is patchy & eggshell thin compared to thick Armour of the past. Also saw my attachment to " My story" as flimsy cobwebs & dust, that I easily have the choice to step away from the old story, it's just a familiar old habit. I felt it All wash away in the powerful waterfall & my Prayer is that it was removed Absolutely, please don't let me return to that rut as it no longer serves me at all. I will continue with your meditations in this course & your many meditations 🧘‍♀️ on Youtube & when the time is right move onto your letting go of Fear course.. There's a lot to absorb & own from this course & I will give it the time it needs to be fully absorbed. I haven't been trapped or held back for a Very long time. I've just been standing in my very old story like a familiar badge or identity, maybe because overcoming it defines a lot of who I am now. Thank You So Much. I Really connect to Your Meditations & this Course has really led to a Shift **Thank You Petra

What does wait for you inside of this course?


In this course, I will take you on a journey to your own heart. You will learn how your precious heart functions, how to communicate with it, and how to discover its deep secrets. 

How this course will be delivered?

Through 10 audio files that consist of visualization, mindfulness practices, and guided meditations.

After each lesson, you will be invited to reflect on each topic through a question.

What are the benefits of taking this course?

You will gain the power to look at your past hurts and release them with love through magical and supportive journeys.

You will make a meaningful step towards greater self-love, self-exploration, and self-compassion.

You will learn how to practice stillness in your heart and explore your healed and sacred heart.

By learning how to support your own heart, you will become a better partner, parent, friend, and most importantly, you will become the support and love you always wanted for yourself.


There are no prerequisites for the course other than the will to open and heal your precious heart.

The teachings are simple yet powerful, supported by compelling custom-made ambient music tuned to 432Hz to ensure the most harmonic impact on your precious being.

Course curriculum

    1. Your Precious Heart

    2. Tuning Into Your Heart

    1. Facing Your Deep Fears

    2. Remembering The First Hurts

    3. Healing the Infant in Your Heart

    4. Releasing Shame and Guilt from Your Heart

    1. Stillness in the Heart and Mind

    2. Rising From The Ashes

    3. The Path Of Open Heart

    4. Renewal of Love in Your Sacred Heart

About this course

  • $255.00
  • 10 lessons

You will also receive:

  • Life long access to the course

  • 15 days Petra's support through chat

  • Powerful mind-shifting journaling exercises after each session


  • How do I know if this course is for me?

    If you feel like your heart has been shut in a certain area of your life and you feel like you are not experiencing life to the fullest.
    If you experienced a hurt that you feel like you are subconsciously hold on to.
    If you feel like you have had relationships in your life that have left you feeling drained and with a scar on your heart. If you are looking to find stillness and contentment within your heart and mind.

  • How can I contact Petra while enrolled in the course

    There is a discussion bar with each session. You can type your question there. Petra support is offered for 15 days beginning with the day of your purchase.

  • How long does the course take to complete?

    The course has 10 sessions, so the minimum is 10 days. You can of course take your time and absorb each session for as long as you need. You have a lifelong access to the materials.

  • How long will I have the access to the course materials?

    For as long as I provide these courses, which is hopefully a very long time:)

  • What if I have any technical issues with the course?

    Please contact me at [email protected] for any technical issues question or any other questions you might have about the course.


“Wonderful and moving! Thanks you ”

Danny Saxon

“Thank you for sharing this secret work. I can feel your sincerity and genuine care and love for humanity. ”


“Exceptional! Thank you for offering this. ”

HighVibe Home

“Beautiful course in presentation, imagery, music and impact Thank you ”


“ Deeply healing! Thank you”
